Monday, August 29, 2011

Lulu and Uno's puppies arrived on August 15th

Lulu gave us 7 healthy babies in the wee hours of the morning on August 15th.  She had 3 girls and 4 boys.  This being her second litter, she knew just what to do and I only assisted with a couple of the births.  She is such a good mom; I am very proud of her.
I love the way they curl around their babies

belly up to the milk can see how they have grown.  Lulu has milk enough for all!

The pups are just 2 weeks today and their eyes and ears are opening.  Soon they will be playing clumsily with each other and I can't wait to see those first tail wags and recognition of ME when I crawl into the box for my puppy love.  It won't be long now!

Here are a few more pictures from our fun puppy party.  These came from Jimmy who traveled the farthest with his dog, Molly.  She is a trained service dog and also visits nursing homes and hospitals.  She loves her job of making people dog gone happy!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

More puppy party pictures

These were sent by one of the attendees.  She brought two Wyntercreek pups all grown up.  Thank you for sharing the photos Deb!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Puppy Reunion August 2011

Our puppy party has come and gone.  Ferry traffic was at its worst so only a few brave souls from the mainland made it but quite a few islanders arrived and so.......with the sun shining we enjoyed a few hours of good old dog time fun.  Prizes for guess the number of doggie treats, musical mats, water cup racing, best tricks, lots of good food and every dog went home with a new toy!  Jenn and I so appreciate seeing how our babies have grown into such handsome and well loved family members.  Enjoy the pictures and hope next year more will be able to come!

lots of good food

 musical mats

 who has the most water left in their glass?

 is that really a dog print in our cake?

 Happy Birthday Shasta!!!!   11 years old on puppy party day