Wednesday, August 12, 2020

 GOING HOME!    Bittersweet time for us here, but all but our two keepers have gone to their new families!  Here are the photos of them on their departure.  Happy people and adorable puppies!!  Joe and Jamaica did us proud!  

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Just a few ADORABLE pictures from this afternoon!   
WOW thew puppies are growing and almost ready to go to their new homes!  

head mark

no mark female

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Sorry for the lack of posts.  I think I have my computer in line right now...we will see if she can control her tantrums for just a little while so I can share some new pictures!~  Lots of advances in puppydom!  For the last week the babes have spent their day mostly on our deck.. A big area with lots of shade, outside noises, and access back into the house where their box is   We introduced new toys everyday; they loved their daily ice packs to lay near; they eagerly ate their just more gruel needed.  In the evening we open up our kitchen and dining room for play and interaction.   Their little teeth are very sharp and they are teaching each other bite inhibition!  I will give you more info on that in your puppy packet. At 5 weeks they weigh on average about 7-8 lbs.   Today they moved to the puppy play yard....Usually the first day puppies in the yard are very hesitant about being in a larger area with strange sounds, smells, grass, dirt, shavings.  Not so with this group... they jumped right in and explored all the goodies we have for them to play on and around and with!   Here are some pictures.  You can see their growth and the new things they are discovering!  The last picture shows the water play has begun!   It truly is hard to get anything done...I want to spend all my time with them.  We are now scheduling short visits;  email if you are interested in that!

Saturday, July 4, 2020


Puppies are growing, playing and starting to wag their tails when we interact with them!  Here is the photo and video story of their first meal!  It was funny and thankfully Jamaica got in on the clean-up!

Friday, June 26, 2020


The REAL fun begins!   We can see the little glint where their eyes are opening.  They all weigh over 2 lbs and are up on their feet.  When their eyes are all the way open they will start to play with each other and soon recognize us when we come to the box.  (I mean when we get IN the box)  They will get to know the other dogs in the house.   This week we will also put a potty corner in their box and it won't be long before they are using it.  Not perfectly but with awesome effort!  They will also begin to hear the noises of our home... and it's not a quiet home!

Even though they are handled everyday already, the handling now will bring more significance to their socialization.  We will trim their toenails;  we will worm them for the first time.

Through this 3rd week we watch for teeth to begin to emerge and we will offer soaked puppy food as we near the beginning of week 4.    And continued daily weighing.  There are a couple who are a little smaller still (as at birth) and though they are gaining at approximately the same rate as the larger puppies..we want to make sure they are getting their share at the milk bar so 3 or so times a day they have her all to themselves.   FYI   When I say smaller, I am talking about a couple of ounces is all.

Jamaica is eating 3-4 cups (at each of her 3 meals) of her mother's formula from Royal Canin.  Compare that to 2 cups 2X a day normally.  4cups  to 12 cups!!  Wow!  She is putting it all into the milk production and doing a super job!

Here are a couple pictures from today.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Jamaica is such a good mom.  She spends a little less time in the box but is constantly on the alert and when there is  squeak she is ready to hop back in to see what needs to be done!   We've been taking lots of pictures.  The puppies are getting cuter all the time.  They have almost reached the baby black bear stage.  Can you imagine how much time I spend in the box with them? And how much MORE time I want to be in there.  Housework, yard work...yikes...those are on the very back burner.... So here, for your cuteness of the day, are the recent photo ops!