Sunday, July 19, 2020

Sorry for the lack of posts.  I think I have my computer in line right now...we will see if she can control her tantrums for just a little while so I can share some new pictures!~  Lots of advances in puppydom!  For the last week the babes have spent their day mostly on our deck.. A big area with lots of shade, outside noises, and access back into the house where their box is   We introduced new toys everyday; they loved their daily ice packs to lay near; they eagerly ate their just more gruel needed.  In the evening we open up our kitchen and dining room for play and interaction.   Their little teeth are very sharp and they are teaching each other bite inhibition!  I will give you more info on that in your puppy packet. At 5 weeks they weigh on average about 7-8 lbs.   Today they moved to the puppy play yard....Usually the first day puppies in the yard are very hesitant about being in a larger area with strange sounds, smells, grass, dirt, shavings.  Not so with this group... they jumped right in and explored all the goodies we have for them to play on and around and with!   Here are some pictures.  You can see their growth and the new things they are discovering!  The last picture shows the water play has begun!   It truly is hard to get anything done...I want to spend all my time with them.  We are now scheduling short visits;  email if you are interested in that!

Saturday, July 4, 2020


Puppies are growing, playing and starting to wag their tails when we interact with them!  Here is the photo and video story of their first meal!  It was funny and thankfully Jamaica got in on the clean-up!