Wednesday, September 14, 2011

We have moved to the Great Outdoors

7 puppies fill a 5 x 4 foot box pretty quickly.  For the previous few days they spent their days on the back deck and came in at night.  Yesterday, at just over 4 weeks, they moved to the puppy pen outside....  
It did not take them long to get used to the feel of shavings and grass and straw and dirt under their feet and soon they were romping and exploring!  Here are a few photos I took this morning.  As usual, they play hard, then sleep wherever they land.  
I miss having them in the house in their box right next to my desk and underfoot in the kitchen.  So, now I get even LESS work done as I am outside in their pen playing with them as often as I can.  

 Here's looking at you !

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