Monday, June 15, 2020

Day two!  Puppies continue to be a puppy pile;  eating and sleeping. Jamaica continues to be the best mom.  I continue to keep close tabs on the puppy box.  Changing bedding, weighing, snuggling, and even after 40+ years am in awe of the sweetness of it all.  (FYI - the red marks on the puppies are fingernail polish..I mark them in different spots so I can tell them apart.  Some breeders use colored collars but I like this method better)

And I thought you'd like to meet the puppies' great-grandsire, Uno.
AmCh Wyntercreek Party Of One CGC.  Uno will be 13 this year in September and he is still going strong!  He was the sole survivor of his own litter and is the gentlest, most willing to please guy.  He doesn't much like water except for wading (though he can swim), he will retrieve something (sometimes) so long as it doesn't have feathers, and as far as I can remember he has never been in trouble...however....if any of the other dogs are in trouble HE is convinced it's all his fault.  We love him dearly and he has earned his spot in our hearts and in our living room.  That couch, BTW, is dog size....LOL.

That's all for today.. next time,  more puppy pictures and an introduction to one of the other dogs here.

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