Monday, November 22, 2010

Here are the present Wyntercreek Dogs!!!

Lulu - - Davoeg Water Lu At Wyntercreek CD WC

 TANDY - Wyntercreek Dress Me In Buckskin WC
(Ryder and Armani)- continues to be our go-getter! 
HOPE  - Wyntercreek Hope Floats
(Glory and Buoy) - she is enjoying retirement
 UNO - Wyntercreek Party Of One CGC
(Hope and Bash)- shown here! Best of Breed at Wenatchee Kennel Club
GLORY - Int Ch Wyntercreek Glory Be CD WC
(Bee and Heartbreaker)- Still going strong at 12 years !
How can anyone resist that look?
he's going to grow into those ears - -we just know it :-)

BANJO - Blu Top Rockabilly At Wyntercreek
our youngest member (Flute and Cabot)
He is a charmer and we have high hopes for him.

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